A gentler version of folk
Folk music can be a simple feat to produce. If you follow a number of arrangements or patterns, you will be able to make tunes that echo the sentiments of folklore musicians who have paved the way for emerging artists to find their narrative. This is not the case with Durban bred duo Faye and Wren, who open their first selection of recordings with whispers of subdued landscapes of sounds which release their journey in “Overture.”
The first track sets up the sequence in “Towers” which eases into the vocal binaries of Faye and Wren. Its essence is already picked up in the first segment of the album. The rasping murmur drawn from Faye combined with the gentle warmth in Wren creates a soft chemistry that allows for fragility to be understood. Often South African folk musicians have a similar rhythm they opt for and it feels too familiar to appreciate, however the softness in Volume One consents to a raw unrefined energy that unravels through the tracks, making it feel believable.
They are certain of their sound. This is evident in “Grace” and “Crooked House.” The prior is subtle and courageous while the latter is empowering and intricate, giving them the power to guide the listener through their experiences via the lyrical content of their musical overtures.
Taking cue from the poems of Keith Erasmus, “Found is lost” and “An open door” gravitate on a different level to their original material. I enjoy how their partnership reshapes in every track, fusing the feminine and masculine sections into an approachable sequence. I am often more drawn in when I hear Faye’s voice take precedence on a section of the song. Her raspy tones make me feel faraway, capturing a freedom in her essence.
“Us &The Southern Wind” escapes me with its delicacy, as if its intention is to wish slumber on my mind. There is no stressing point or climax to tackle. It just exists, as a harmony to be with, instead of hyping it up with additional chord progressions or fierce solos to ensure the listener is aware of their musicality. Instead, it just stays as is- real and authentic.
“Ice” is reminiscent of a children’s lullaby. Its core is cool, sweet and kind and finishes your journey off with sounds that tickle the soul.
Having found this duo recently, their sounds have expanded into different consciousnesses and have added other elements to their sound since the recording of Volume One. Hearing what is possible in Volume One has got me excited for the potential of Volume Two.