Felix Releases New Stream of Anthems For a Current Generation
There is an amazing thing that happens when you reach the epicentre of Felix Laband’s hymns. Not only do you whistle, bop along or get in sync with his anthems that most people have familiarised themselves with, from watching films or adverts, listening to the stories of his legacy or reliving his sets, but you imagine his journey to achieving each symbol of sound.
An entire decade has passed since his last release and here we are panting, anticipating the opportunity to hear and experience a sound, a state of consciousness so far beyond our expectations.
Deaf Safari has teased your ears online. Some may have even downloaded it or streamed it to its extremity, but nothing will do the album justice until we have heard its ingenious attraction of its live fertility. Well, the wait is officially over. Felix Laband is playing two live shows at Cape Town’s New Space Theatre on 10 and 11 July.
The show promises an eery display of dark encounters as he explores unique deconstructed live renditions of the album, while he collaborates with visual artist Kerry Chaloner and Jazz virtuoso Shane Cooper.
The hype I have created in my head is so extreme and so poignant, that I hope it succeeds my expectations in the moments leading up to it, and stays with me days after.
Deaf Safari is composed of sample recordings from the media landscape, inspired by kwaito house and American roots music from the 20th century. Laband describes the album as “ an audio collage of subjects that speak of the world I live in.”
“I am truly excited to release this album and start performing in the music world again. It has been 10 years since I released Dark Days Exit, and although I have been purposefully absent from the music world, I have nonetheless never stopped making music. I feel that I have finally arrived at a mature and challenging stage in my pursuit of making emotional music of relevance,” adds Laband.
Listen to “Righteous Red Berets” off Deaf Safari below and click here to get more details and buy tickets to the album launch.