A True Sensory Experience
Most events we come across claim to be something different from the rest. They use their ‘differentiation’ as a means of substantiating their self-given title as “the best event in Joburg”. It’s an age old marketing trick which works. If you don’t believe your event is the best, there is no way you can convince others that it is the best. However, lots of the time all these events are more or less the same experiences just taking place at different venues with a different speed and style of sound coming out the bass bins. The revellers revel and come back for the same experience the next time.
Nerve is not like the others.
Nerve is true multi-sensory experience which will appeal to your sense of sight, touch, smell, taste, hearing, and emotion. Just the line-up alone is a sonic adventure featuring experimental electronic musicians Leeu, Hlasko, Vox Portent, and Behr who are sure to take you on an emotional journey of highs and lows with their live and improvisational sets. But it doesn’t stop there. The curation of sound is paired with a curation of cuisine with a five course meal created exclusively for Nerve. Each course will be created to intertwine with and enhance the mood and effects of the sounds. A true multi-sensory experience.
Hadedah, the team behind Nerve is a “collective of artists, delivering conceptual experiences. Giving a platform to original electronic music and artistic expression. Sequencing the essentials”. Another self-given title, but one I believe is well deserved and no marketing gimmick. If you don’t believe me just take a look at the conceptual short-film they created in promotion of the event.
Hadedah presents Nerve, an experiment in paired sound and cuisine to pollinate the senses. Five courses curated by the Hadedah stable and friends.
Expect radical combinations as well as a beer pairing from a local microbrewer. Head Chef, Alex will be curating the menu, delicately intertwining a taste adventure.
Coat up for a snug evening with Hadedah, we invite you.
20 June 2015
Misty River, Johannesburg South