Win Tickets To The Flamjangled Tea Party


“A state of sideways consciousness where a person steps out of ones self into as many characters as they feel comfortable while experiencing feelings of intense frivolity, fun and laughter.”

Above is the definition of flamjangled according to the urban dictionary. Themed around Alice in Wonderland, The Flamjangled Tea Party is an escapists dream where the revelers play a key role in the magical escape through costume, art, music, dance, and participation. All freaks and wackadoos are welcome to enchant Elandskloof Farm for a weekend of delirious frivolity where weird and obscure is encouraged and even awarded.

With the likes of Al Bairre, Felix La Band, John Wizards, Nomadic Orchestra and Thor Rixon soundtracking the trip down the rabbit hole; it’s sure to be an eclectic journey through sound, sight, and silly.

Flamjangled Tea Party

“The Tea Party is a Flamjangled festival, outdoors, eclectic, humorous, glittering, freaky, funky, jiving, up-beat, jazzy, swinging, sizzling, folksy, rock n rolling, wonderful, gentle, relaxing, silly, cheeky and grrreat!

You can expect to find: Themed spaces and places, great music, top food, fine cocktails, oversized art, dress-up, suprising performances, ridiculous games and daft competitions.”

The Flamjangled Tea Party

27 – 29 March 2015

Elandskloof Farm, Helderstroom

Buy Tickets


With the rise of music streaming services and the fall of CD sales; independent musicians have resorted to live performance and merchandising as a primary form of income. Snoop Dogg has his own rolling paper and now Fokofpolisiekar have their own craft beer. Inspired by The Flamjangled Tea Party we think musicians should look at making their own tea infusions.
In orded to win the tickets, tell us which local band or musician should make their own and what their brand of tea should be called.
Comment below, on our Facebook page or Tweet us your answer.
Brownie points if you use every channel and the hashtag #Flamjangled
Competition closes and winners selected and notified on Thursday the 26th of March.

About Author

Founder | Failed Musician | Digital Devotee | Unjournalist | Successful Thief | "Nothing Is Original. Steal Like An Artist"