Guy Buttery – Guy Buttery


So still, so ready to float away

Guy Buttery

Two years since his last collection of sounds, the newest self-titled album has finally made its way into the world. Gentle and crisp. It’s as each chord has evacuated the trauma out of my body, the stress I have been holding on for years slowly leaves its imprint on the self and distorts itself so I can reconnect to the substance. The tracks induce me into a mortal paralysis of my mind, as for the moments leading into each new track, so goes the symbolism for serenity unravelling behind it.

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The vibrancy on “Werner meets Egberto in Manaus” echoes from the familiarity and victory of one of South Africa’s impactful voices of our generation. Cognisant of the sidelines in which his country faces, Guy Buttery has taken his signature intricate finger style music and elevated its levels by introducing powerful collaborative dualities on this album.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1194643872 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=de270f artwork=none track=4230347669]

The fluidity in ‘Floop” resonates with me once my periphery is alert on long journeys via feet or vehicles. The tone makes me feel like I’m moving and transitioning into something honest, something that feels more like me.

The earth meets the top of the mountain in “Srinager.” This sound ascends from the deep rich hues of mystery by foraging a unique composition to find clarity. It signals the listener to listen to the forgiveness from nature – for not making itself present every moment of everyday.

[bandcamp width=100% height=42 album=1194643872 size=small bgcol=ffffff linkcol=de270f artwork=none track=1567559074]

Blues guitarist Dan Patlansky makes an appearance on “To Goulimine.” Between Buttery and Patlansky, the sound is concrete and etched into a partnership that highlights their individual craft. The tempo then slows down in “Sleep Deprivation” and finds symmetry by subduing the introduction and platforming the intricacies.

“¾ in the morning” has sunk into me and cleared the chaos. It releases me from myself and sets me free to conquer my own dynamism. So still, so ready to float away.

This album allows you explore the inner workings of Guy Buttery’s mantras and mementos. It discards the baggage and uplifts the listener with its selection of pioneering partnerships that highlight his encompassing work. Each track conveys a newer mood, a nostalgic vision and a light and warmth for the future.

Download Guy Buttery on Bandcamp


About Author

Content junkie | Self-assured | Dance floor devotee | Empathetic | Lone wolf | “If you only read the things that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking."