We chat to Soweto Gold ahead of Capital Craft Beer Festival discussing how they came to be, the allure of craft beer and what to expect at the festival
When was the Ubuntu Kraal brewery founded and briefly explain the history of Soweto Gold? Why was brewery established?
The idea of Soweto Gold was drunk up in 2012 by two tipsy township entreBEERneurs – Ndumiso and Josef.
In 2014 we started brewing at the Ubuntu Kraal in the iconic Orlando West, Soweto – and we were named number 1 amongst the 10 Best Craft Beers in SA by League of Beer in our first year.
What is it that makes craft beer different from beer that is mass-produced? Also, what separates a great beer from a good beer?
There is no bad beer. Unless it is made wrong, stored wrong or has gone off. Any beer that you enjoy drinking is a great beer – sometimes you look for thirst-quenching refreshment, sometimes you want exciting flavours and variety. Sometimes you want a hop-bomb to compliment an exciting herb-spiced meal and sometimes a super smooth Soweto Gold – Superior Lager to hit that spot. There must be a beer for every occasion. We will make beer great again!
What are your thoughts on the Anheuser-Busch acquisition of SABMiller? How do you think this will affect the industry?
Change is good. There will be exciting new beers on the market. More choice and more tastes. As long as Big Beer continues to support the smaller players and does not use unfair bullying tactics. These are exciting times.
What will be available from Ubuntu Kraal Brewery at Capital Craft and will there be any special brews for the event?
We are bringing our popular award-winning range, leading with our Superior Lager adding the Apple Ale, putting spice with our Gogo’s Ginger and finally the Cherry Ale on top. The Cherry Ale will flow
Having been involved in the previous Capital Craft Festival, what is it about the festival attendants can look forward to?
This is hands-down the most professional and well-organised festival in the country. Great venue, great security, great beer, great bands and great friendly thirsty people. The Capital Craft team know how to throw a party and we guarantee that this one will not disappoint. Amandla Capital Craft!