Review | Grietfest Halloween

Halloween is a religious experience, perhaps more so than Christmas, and thus it is imperative that you pick the right destination to unleash your inner monstrosity.
Much like a child returning to the arms of a parent they haven’t seen in a while, every year I find myself returning home to the grotesque affair of Halloween at Arcade Empire. The words Griet, Halloween and Arcade Empire fit together almost as perfectly as a cold beer on a Sunday afternoon. Griet, with the demented way in which they have an almost ungodly power when it comes to hosting festivals and parties, and Arcade Empire with its ability to house maniacle party goers and beastial DJ’s and producers, united together to make this years halloween one of the most barbaric yet.
The gate surrounding Arcade Empire on the night of halloween was the partition between the mundane world of the average human and the ravenous monsters which inhabited the surreal grounds inside. All around me was a combustion of gnomes, deadly nurses, men in skintight suites, pirates and an awful lot of people dressed as Sims, the moment I stepped through the entrance I thought to myself “These people are fucking crazy, I love it”.  It was almost as  though I had stepped into the set of American Horror Story.
Griet, as per usual did an insane job with the local and international acts performing this Halloween, nothing gets people more in touch with their inner beast than a dosage of electro.
Black Tiger Sex Machine Halloween 2014

Black Tiger Sex Machine – @thefussza

Last years halloween at Arcade Empire presented many problems of it’s own in regards to it’s execution and the floor plan ; too many people and too little space, the ticket situation outside of the entrances and the entrances in general. But this year the chiefs of the halloween affair at Arcade, did their homework. I found that there was a lot more composure this year compared to the angry mob which guarded the entrances last year, due to lack of tickets and the fact that there was no space inside.  Honestly to me this year’s halloween was the bomb-fucking-diggidy, there is no better place to be on halloween than surrounded by drunk and dazed people, with amazing music smashing your ears apart.
Unsurprisingly, Halloween at Arcade Empire progressively gets better and better as each year goes by.  Next year I’ll keep my sacred betrothal to Arcade and return home to the land of offbeat freaks and reckless behaviour.
Featured image by Charlemagne Oliver

About Author

I'm a young writer who's main goal is to make my readers feel the experiences I live through my writing. I have a deep love for the culture and music of South Africa as well as the people whom inhabit this ancient urban jungle. Long live the days of reckless abandon