The Tazers recently released their second EP, Time machine. A sequel to the Dream Machine EP, Time Machine is honest and clever with nostalgic lyrics about life, love and people you hate. We interview the band to discuss the new EP, machines, their evolution and the tour that never ends.
Your EPs seem to follow a line of succession, an evolution if you will. Tell us more about this Machine you’re building?
We are building a love machine for everyone to indulge in.
Dream Machine. Time Machine. It is becoming quite a mantra. In the same way that words lose meaning as the noise unfolds, the sound on Time Machine is much more expansive than its counterpart – was this a conscious step or did the soundscape seem to evolve on its own?
We spent more time in production, which evolved the soundscape from raw rock & roll to a more sophisticated form. Even though the songs were written in a raw manner, the time spent in production allowed us to draw influences from early 60’s and 70’s music that gave Time Machine its character.
Time Machine had already generated a number of positive reviews. How do you manage to stay relevant in a scene that’s continuously growing?
Good ol’ fashioned sex to great music.
Your sound has become your own, but like all great bands inspiration has to come from somewhere. Who were your main influences while writing the Time Machine EP?
We are influenced by our past experiences, and we simply use the lyrics as a form of expression. Musically we were influenced by Wand, All them Witches, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Einstein, Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Emily Ratajkowski.
Your fans have gone from only being Rachel Penny to a fair amount of new faces at every show. How does this make you feel?
Thanks Rachel for believing in us when we were shit. We would never have expected the amount of support we’ve seen over the last year so thanks for bearing with us.
Mieliepop and Lush Festival was on every diehard music junkie’s coffee stained calendar. Being a band as well as friends must take its toll. How has promoting the EP and being on tour affected your relationship? Do you ever get on each other’s nerves?
We missed flights unintentionally, we overslept, we got too drunk, and we get on each other nerves often, but never enough to warrant long term conflict.
In general we’re dickheads, but we all have to deal with it. Life goes on.
Speaking of nerves, Jethro is yet to be tazed. So when is the special day?
Our final EP launch show. Let’s just say it’s on the 15th April at The Bohemian. Cool. Done. Easy. Lekka.
What exciting developments do you guys have planned for the future, apart from Jethro being tazed of course.
If this country thought they had seen the last of us, this nation has something coming.
#thetazerswillalwaysbetouring #thetazerswillnevernotbetouring #thetazerswillneverendthetour #touringwillneverendwiththetazers #didsomeonesayendoftouringnothetazersdidnot #itcouldnthavebeenthetazersthatsaidtheywouldstoptouring #thetazerstourforlife
Catch The Tazers on the final leg of their EP launch this weekend at The Bohemian.