Music in the city presents Madosini – Bow conversations


The Institute for Creative Arts partners up with Any Given Sunday and Straight No Chaser Jazz Club

“Nowadays the traditions we lived by are dying and people are no longer telling stories and making music. I try my best to keep it all alive.” – Madosini

The queen of indigenous music, Madosini, will be offering her insight and craft into a Southern African musical tradition of treasures from ancient pasts. The storyteller and composer will bring her queendom to the stage in a concert at Hiddingh Hall at UCT Hiddingh campus this weekend.

Any Given Sunday, in association with Straight No Chaser Jazz Club and the Institute for Creative Arts have formed an alliance to bring this moment to great heights by primarily making it available for people to attend and additionally to deliver a consciousness and focus on projects that are imbued with innovation, collaboration and a dialogue with urbanism and community.

The iconic Xhosa composer, singer and multi-instrumentalist will share some of her retro-futuristic compositions for uhadi (bow), umrhubhe (mouthbow) and isitolotolo (jaw harp) with Mpho Molikeng (Kudu horns, saxophone) and Nothembele ‘Vuma’ Maka (bows).

The event also features special guest cameos from multi-instrumental maverick Hilton Schilder (mouthbow, melodica), award-winning percussionist Dizu Plaatjies and Glen Ahrendse (mouthbow) in what promises to be a truly fascinating conversation at a place where bow roots and beat routes merge to create new improvisational conversations.

Audiences with open ears can expect to transcend contemporary society’s entertainment impulse to achieve a cosmological state of inner-tainment through communion with the ancestors.

The performance will take place 5.30pm for 6pm on Saturday 23 July 2016 on the 2nd floor Hiddingh Hall, UCT Hiddingh campus 31-37 Orange Street, Gardens.

A cash bar will be available from 5.30pm. Seating is unreserved and there is no entry fee.

Madosini – Bow Conversations
17:30 to 22:00
Cape Town,
South Africa

Any Given Sunday and Straight No Chaser Jazz Club in association with the Institute for Creative Arts and Moholo Live House hosts the legendary Madosini in a concert that offers the public an exceptional opportunity to experience musical treasures from ancient pasts. The “queen of indigenous music”, as she is also known, is a unique access to an indigenous Southern African musical tradition that is all but extinct.

The iconic Xhosa composer, singer, story-teller and multi-instrumentalist shares some of her retro-futuristic compositions for uhadi (bow), umrhubhe (mouthbow) and isitolotolo (jaw harp) with Mpho Molikeng (Kudu horns, saxophone) and Nothembele ‘Vuma’ Maka (bows).

The event also features special guest cameos from multi-instrumental maverick Hilton Schilder (mouthbow, melodica), award-winning percussionist Dizu Plaatjies and Glen Arendse (mouthbow) in what promises to be a truly fascinating conversation at a place where bow roots and beat routes merge to create new improvisational conversations.

Audiences with open ears can expect to transcend contemporary society’s entertainment impulse to achieve a cosmological state of inner-tainment through communion with the ancestors.


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Content junkie | Self-assured | Dance floor devotee | Empathetic | Lone wolf | “If you only read the things that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking."