Sound Gallery resident, PHOSPHENE releases a new single, “Sui Generis”.
Earlier this year during our Sound Gallery interview with PHOSPHENE we asked what we could expect from him during the latter half of 2014, to which he replied, “Probably a hiatus to be honest, I’m working on some rather different music at the moment and I’d just like to see where that takes me”.
Fortunately; in the 6 months since that interview it seems PHOSPHENE could not keep himself from producing more music under this moniker. That makes him a little liar, but we’d much rather have him being a little liar than on hiatus.
PHOSPHENE says, “The new EP is still in the works and I haven’t titled it yet, however I plan to release a 4 track project with a “gossamer”-like aesthetic”. The EP is slated for release early next year and if “Sui Generis” is anything to go by; we can expect a definite shift and development since his debut Get Back Home EP. “Sui Generis” suggests a maturity or evolution in his sound where the some of the punchy-fizz of his debut is substituted for a more ethereal “gossamer” essence which is interwoven with silky synths.
“It’s a song I wrote while I was in New York in the Summer of 2014 which basically reflects the incredible experiences I had and how truly difficult it is to put into words. I guess this song is about vocalising that experience.”
Read our interview and listen to Sound Gallery with PHOSPHENE.