Selfies Of Sub_urban State


The Fuss was atĀ Suburban State last weekend. We gave our phone to friends and total strangers with the front-facing camera turned on and this is what happened.

“Look at us. We’re at Suburban State”


Suburban State Selfie


Jason Lume. Part-time student, Part-time Junior Creative at Hey!Fever.

“I’ve been to two Suburban States”

Best DJ set? “Liver always de-livers. Yeah, I just did that”

Best moment? “Jamming to David & Goliath last year. It was my first introduction to listening to trap live and I’m never going back”


Suburban State Selfie

Martin Kabamaba (left). Politics student, musician.

“This was my second Suburban”

Best DJ set? “Data Takashi’s disco greatness”

Best moment? “Data Takashi playing Inspector Norse and seeing all my mates go absolutely mental”


Suburban State Selfie


Portia Tsela. 3D designer.

“This was my fourth Suburban State. I think.”

Best DJ set? “I don’t really have a best performance”

Best moment? “The Suburban State during May was my favourite”


Suburban State Selfie


Charlemagne Olivier. Creator of false illusions of reality.

“This was my third Suburban State”

Best DJ set? “That time a DJ played”

Best moment? “When the food goes to half price at the end of the day”


Suburban State Selfie

Chelsea Mhlanga. Bcom Marketing student.

“This was my first Suburban State”

Best DJ set? “Liver!”

Best moment? “Can a moment be seven hours of partying?”


Read our full review of Suburban State here and follow us on Instagram for more Suburban State selfies.

Word by Thozi Sejanamane



About Author

Founder | Failed Musician | Digital Devotee | Unjournalist | Successful Thief | "Nothing Is Original. Steal Like An Artist"