Watch The #FeesMustFall inspired video for Muzi’s ‘WTF You Mean’


“Great art out comes out of necessity”

‘Vuka’ off Muzi’s Fire FX was featured in our Top 25 on The Fuss List last year and the Empangeni born producer and DJ has since relocated to Berlin to work on his debut album at the epicentre of electronica.

We recently saw the fruits of his labour with the premiere of the visual treatment for ‘WTF You Mean’ via Complex. ‘WTF You Mean’ is the first single off his debut album titled Boom Shaka scheduled for release via We.The.Bundu on the second of September.

Muzi’s upbringing in the Empangeni township of Kwazulu Natal influenced his heritage and this has always played a role in music which uniquely fuses his traditional Zulu heritage, Kwaito influences and bass music.

In ‘WTF You Mean’, Muzi uses his music as a weapon in the arsenal of the #FeesMustFall movement exclaiming ‘What the fuck you mean,’ we can’t all have equal access to higher education to fulfil our potential.

The visual treatment was directed, produced and edited by Muzi in the same vein the #FeesMustFall movement affected awareness and change with a DIY mentality. The video features a variety youth of all culture, class and race on a level playing fields: vulnerable/naked to our gaze.



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Founder | Failed Musician | Digital Devotee | Unjournalist | Successful Thief | "Nothing Is Original. Steal Like An Artist"